Holotropic Breathwork

22 -25th March 2018 in Algallika center in Estonia

Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful approach to self-exploration and healing, developed by Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof. It integrates insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, various depth-psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices and mystical traditions of the world.

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The course will be lead by   https://habitaccion.com/buy-zolpidem-online-europe Ole Ry, MD and psychiatrist,  from Denmark.

Ambien Sleeping Pill Online Ole has trained by Stanislav Grof as Certified Practitioners of Holotropic Breathwork, he is member of the Danish Psychotherapy Association and the Association of Holotropic Breathwork International (AHBI). He has given workshops internationally for many years.  More about Ole Ry – http://www.holoworld.dk

https://www.magiciansgallery.com/2024/06/buy-ambien-cr-in-canada The name holotropic (from the Greek holos = whole and trepein = to move toward) literally means “moving toward wholeness”. This method utilizes the spontaneous healing potential of the psyche that becomes available in non-ordinary states of consciousness induced by accelerated breathing and evocative music in a special set and setting. Focused energy release and mandala drawing are additional important elements in the holotropic process.

https://arkipel.org/buy-ambien-europe Through the use of deep breathing, evocative music and releasing bodywork, it is possible to get access to realms of the consciousness that are otherwise hard to reach. Thereby our own inner potential for deep healing of physical, psychological and spiritual issues is activated.

Holotropic Breathwork mediates access to all levels of human experience, including emotionally relevant childhood memories and other biographical issues, sequences of psycho-spiritual death and rebirth, and a broad spectrum of transpersonal/spiritual experiences
Holotropic Breathwork is conducted in groups as part of a residential course with trained facilitators providing guidance as required. In experiential sessions, participants alternate in the roles of online propecia experiencers and assistants to their partners. Mandala drawing is also a part of the process.
The theory and practice of Holotropic Breathwork is described by Stanislav and Christina Grof in Holotropic Breathwork – A New Approach to Self-Exploration and Therapy, and many other books by the same authors, includingPsychology of the Future.

https://vita.com.bo/cheapest-price-for-zolpidem https://www.ag23.net/buy-zolpidem-online-india Algallika retreat centre is located by the sea in South-West Estonia by the Matsalu Algallika keskus mere ääresNational Park. Rooms are less than 100 m from the sea. This venue have over one kilometer of private shore with uncontaminated nature and coastal meadows with beautiful junipers for walking in full peace and silence. Algallika is an ideal place for this kind of training. Situated in an undisturbed pure nature, with beautifully renovated rooms and seminar hall, sauna, a fire and water temple a, it has all the necessaries needed for inner and outer purification.

Workshop is in English with translation into Estonian.
Beginning: Thursday at 18.00  end: Sunday 13.00.

Participation fee 340 EUR

Food in Holotropic Breathwork:  (vegetarian) during workshop:  51 EUR

Accommodation for workshop period (3 nights) costs:
one place in  2 person rooms: 45 EUR
one place in  3 person rooms: 37 EUR
one place in  4 person rooms: 26 EUR

For registration please transfer 200 EUR to our account:
Eesti Krediidipank AS
Address: Narva mnt 4, 15014 Tallinn, Estonia
Beneficiary: Teine Tee Ltd.

Account number (IBAN):  EE944204278603320902
Explanation: “Holotropic Breathwork ”
Registration fee is not refundable in case of resignation.

How to reach into Algallika center…
Please inform us if you need help with transport.
Transfer from Tallinn into course site and back (airport) will be arranged.
Registration contact:  Mario Vilbiks algallika@algallika.ee    phone +372 55566088

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